
VLE is (not) dead

Just watched the video of the "VLE is Dead" debate from #altc2009 and realised that James has added this blog address under my name, so thought I'd best mention it in case anyone looks at this blog and wonders what on earth this has to do with anything :-)

While this is one of my blogs, its not one I actively maintain and has mostly been a "place holder" until very recently.

Most of my work related blogging is actually done on an internal University of Plymouth blog (for various reasons), so please don't be too disappointed to not find anything related to the debate here, although I will share my notes for my bit of the presentation here if anyone is interested. :-) This includes slightly more of the points I'd have made if time and the direction of the debate had allowed - still culled down from my initial list of points.

But feel free to follow me @sputuk on twitter for a mix of work, personal and often innane thoughts and conversations.

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