BlogPress was my preferred app for editing and posting blog posts on the iPhone and is one of those apps that includes the improved features for the iPad in a single app, which means I effectively get the better interface on the iPad "for free". I had expected more of the iPhone apps to work this way, but have been disappointed and now resigned to having to pay for the better versions in most cases.
The editor in BlogPress is very simple, providing very few tools to help composing posts (no bold, italic etc shortcuts) instead relying on the author to include any HTML mark up needed. The only concession it does make it to include a tool to add images which can be scaled to a thumbnail with a link to the original with both thumbnail and original uploaded and the link added.
So what features do I like? Well, mostly it's the number of different blog formats it supports which critically for me includes both Google's blogger and Wordpress. (if anyone knows a tool that works with Sharepoint blogs behind custom HTML authentication then that would allow me to post to my other work blog too).
Is that all it's good for I hear you ask? Well, no. It also allows the images to be uploaded to a whole range of services, uploading video to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook notification integration, local drafts for composing offline and easy access to meta data like tags as well as setting a publish date/time.
There are probably better wysiwyg editors for blog posts, but i haven't spotted another with this range of services supported so it keeps my vote so far.
- Posted using BlogPress from mobile device
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