Since you did so, as a constituant concidering my vote in the impending election carefully, I would appreciate your answers to a few pertinant questions.
Firstly, since you supported this bill, can you clarify if you did so because you believe it to be a well formed bill worthy of passing into law, befitting of the long tradition of democracy in this country?
Secondly, if you do not feel this bill to be well formed, did you therefore vote for it simply due to pressure of the whip?
I should clarify that in the first instance, if you believe this to be 'good law' having received due process and diligence (despite advice from proffesional bodies such a the British Computing Society to the contrary) I would see this as evidence of either poor judgement or incompetance.
Secondly, if you feel this is a bad law and still voted for it due to the pressure of the whip, I would see that as evidence of a weak willed MP unable to stand up for what they believe in despite huge evidence and expert advice, and clear evidence of someone unfit or office to represent this constituency.
Certainly, almost every MP who spoke on the bill in the house (with a couple of notable exceptions) made it clear that they felt this bill was flawed and should not be passed but felt unable to oppose it due to all 3 front benches supporting it.
While not unusual in our flawed democratic system, this was exacerbated by pushing this through in washup despite ample opportunity for due process earlier in this parliament which this government declined to go through - something which makes it stink worse than most other similar examples.
While the amendments for a super affirmative are supposed to mitigate passing a fundamentally flawed/counter productive bill, it still means the house (including you) supported passing this as it stands taking the risk that someone will clean up the mess at some later stage. If this were your reason for supporting the bill, it would again appear to me as evidence of being unfit for the responsibilities of such public office.
So, did you vote for this bill through incompetance or lack of backbone? ...or have I missed another alternative which might convince me to change my current intention to return a spoilt ballot as my only remaining option in the coming election?
Nick Sharratt
-- Posted from my phone
Location:Plymouth, UK
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